Organizational Compliance

In This Section

Guide to Sustaining Organizational Change

Section 1.1: Board Recruitment

Guide to Sustaining Organizational Change

Section 1.4: Policies and Processes

Guide to Sustaining Organizational Change

1.1 Board Recruitment

As board members and leaders of the organization, it is important to consider the role you play in recruiting new board members and the systems in place to attract and retain leaders.

The following are actions you can take as leaders to support the recruitment of members from the five priority groups into board positions:

  • Recognize gaps in skillset and experience: Boards need to look at their communities to see who their customers are, who they are serving, and who needs to be represented to recognize where there are gaps and source talent accordingly. It is important that the board accurately reflects the people and culture in the organization as well as the communities it serves.
  • Expand the talent pool: Broaden the talent pool to expand and ensure access of opportunity to qualified candidates from the 5 priority groups. This can be done through:
    • Sourcing candidates through non-traditional channels
    • Being aware of how you can remove as many barriers as possible
    • Implementing greater sponsorship in the organization
    • Partnering with talent agencies / community organizations to source candidates from the five priority groups
  • Implement partnership programs: Task board members to contribute towards recruitment and bring new members on board from mentorship programs they participate in. Think beyond traditional choices, and highlight the importance and benefits of giving new candidates opportunities to have their first board experience.

1.4 Policies and Processes

The following policies and processes can be put in place to adapt systems and structures to build access to opportunity:

  • Candidate development: Create development opportunities for less experienced individuals to be on the board (e.g. pair a candidate with a senior leader to learn the ropes and prepare them for a board position).
  • Meeting policies: Ensure board members use inclusive language during meetings and pay attention to the distribution and fairness of speaking time.
    • Example: Whoever is leading the board also has the responsibility of ensuring that quieter board members speak up in board meetings.
  • Term limits: Put term limits in place to remove barriers for new board members to be recruited.
  • Anonymous hotlines: Put anonymous hotlines in place so employees have a safe space to report their concerns without fear of reprisal.
  • Creating networking opportunities that are accessible to everyone: Oftentimes, there are barriers to networking opportunities such as after-work socials and sports events. Make these opportunities accessible and be intentional about what opportunities are available, both formal and informal. Examples include:
    • If you’re inviting people to an after work social, indicate there will be drinks AND snacks to include those who may not drink.
    • Invite everyone to a sporting event so everyone feels invited to participate.
    • Casual chat in the office about sports may exclude those who are not interested in sports. Bring people into the conversation and ask what they are interested in.
  • Performance expectations for board members and leaders: Incentivize board members and leaders by tying their roles and responsibilities to achieving the goals of the 50 – 30 Challenge and holding them accountable for modelling inclusive and respectful behaviours.
  • Allocate resources: Ideally, your organization should allocate resources to EDI training and development and provide board members and leaders with the tools to be successful in advancing EDI in the organization and in reaching the goals of the 50 – 30 Challenge. Resources should also be linked to driving accountability, and reviewing and putting these policies and processes in place.
  • Recognize and abide by Canadian laws and regulations:
    • Comply or Explain: Ontario Securities Commission (OSC) requires most companies listed on the TSX to disclose their policy for identifying and nominating women directors, and whether there are targets at either the board or executive level. If not, they must explain why.
    • Bill C-25: Amendment to federal and most provincial Corporations Acts that requires certain companies to disclose policies and practices related to diversity on the board of directors and within senior management for all annual meetings held on or after January 1, 2020.
  • Offer flexible policies: Ideally, your organization should provide flexibility in policies, such as flexible working arrangements and other policies to accommodate employee needs (e.g. parental leave, health coverage, tuition reimbursements, etc.)

Adapting Systems and Structures: Regional and Industry Considerations

Industry: Mining

According to a report from Osler, in 2021, only 19% of director positions were held by women in the mining industry, which has consistently held the lowest proportion of women in leadership positions over the last few years. Organizations can implement the following programs and practices to increase representation of women and other priority groups:

  • Leaders can participate in mentorship programs (e.g. International Women in Resources Mentorship Program), where mining leaders can be paired with mentees in various mining roles and across the mining cycle, providing mentees with access to social networks and higher visibility
  • Contribute to Women in Mining newsletter published by the Mining Association of Canada (MAC) to highlight women in leadership and at site level
  • Use the standard on Indigenous and Community Relationships developed by MAC to educate leaders and employees at mine sites on the history of Indigenous Peoples, and train them on cultural competency, anti-racism, conflict resolution, and human rights
Industry: Manufacturing

In an industry typically dominated by men, organizations within manufacturing can put the following policies and practices in place to attract more diverse employees into the industry and create an inclusive workplace:

  • Where possible, adjust shift-based jobs to provide employees with flexible work arrangements and better work-life balance
  • Create a Panel Diversity Policy – only allow employees to participate in panel discussions if there is equal representation. For example, only allow employees to participate in panel discussions where panelists include women and those who identify as women
  • Seek employee feedback anonymously – not all employees may be comfortable speaking up, so providing an anonymous forum will allow them to voice any issues or concerns
Industry: Education

The following trends are shaping the education industry, and educational institutions can consider them when adapting their systems and structures to be more inclusive:

  1. There is an increased focus on reshaping education systems to be more accessible and inclusive. Educational institutions can think through different methods of teaching, how to provide more opportunity for students, and the role that staff play in supporting students from priority groups.
  2. Dedicated resources and offices are being put in place to embed an equity lens within the educational industry and transform the system to better support priority groups. More emphasis is also being placed on holding leaders accountable to address inequities and support staff and students.
  3. Post-secondary institutions are incorporating Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada (TRC) Calls to Action (Numbers 62 – 65) by placing greater emphasis on teaching Indigenous current realities, history, and incorporating Indigenous knowledge systems into methods of teaching and curricula.

Scenario: Checkpoint 1

Welcome to your Board & Leader Guidebook Scenario Checkpoint 2!
Jean realizes how important the role of leaders is in championing inclusive efforts and wants to support other leaders in getting involved. Jean is organizing a lunch and learn session with other leaders, including the Lead of Manufacturing, Research and Development and Supply Chain. Jean recognizes the importance of bringing others into the conversation and visibly championing organizational efforts, but they are concerned that leaders might not know how to get started. Jean wants to propose simple, tangible steps that they can all take.

What examples of steps can Jean propose? Select all that apply.

Large Organization:

Estée Lauder Companies Inc.

In 2020, Estée Lauder Companies Inc. committed to ensure the percentage of Black employees at all levels within the organization mirrored the percentage of Black people in the United States population over the next five years.

The organization also pledged to double its recruits from historically Black colleges and universities over the next two years.

Key considerations can include the format of your application, language used in job descriptions, and online accessibility when candidates apply for jobs

Small/Medium Organization

Catalyst Women on Board

The Catalyst Women on Board was a mentorship-sponsorship program aimed to increase the number of women on corporate boards.

Mentors-sponsors were board directors and CEOs that are committed to advancing diversity on boards. Each of them actively mentored and sponsored a board-ready and CEO-endorsed woman to help grow her connections and raise her profile as a qualified board candidate. Through this program, women filled over 230 corporate board positions.

Leaders who have the expertise can open up their networks to those who are board ready, but don’t have the same access. For example, the program, Catalyst Women on Board, provided women who were board ready with access to a network of board members. Board members were paired with women who were ready for board positions and mentored them to further support their development.

Considerations for Intermediate / Advanced Organizations

Implement Shadow Boards: Shadow boards offer organizations the opportunity to reinvent their business models, redesign processes, and transform aspects of their organizations. They consist of a group of non-executive employees that work with more senior employees and leaders on initiatives within the organization. A shadow board allows more junior employees to contribute their insights in an open space and brings in different perspectives than senior employees may be used to.

Large Organization:


When faced with a decline in sales due to changing consumer preferences, Gucci implemented a shadow board comprised of millennial professionals across different functions within its organization who meet regularly with the executive team. The shadow board helped the executive team work through issues the organization was facing, specifically related to making the brand more relevant to a younger market. After implementing the insights brought forward by the shadow board and improving the organization’s digital and internet strategies, Gucci’s sales grew by 136%.

Large Organization:

Accor S.A.

Facing pressure from competitor, AirBnB, and failed marketing attempts to acquire more customers, French hospitality company Accor recognized the need to reinvent its business model. A shadow board was created to develop a brand for millennials. The shadow board developed a new brand, Jo&Joe, focused on combining hotel comfort with the friendly, budget-conscious atmosphere of a youth hostel. The shadow board also developed Accor Pass, a hotel subscription for people under 25 that provides them with a place to stay while they search for permanent housing.

Small/Medium Organization:

Beehive Strategic Communications

Beehive has revamped its policies and processes to ensure its values and commitments to social impact are reflected and that they contribute to a workplace where people feel safe and included regardless of identity.

The organization has updated its EDI policy, and added two new policies focused on inclusion and belonging: a Pay Equity Policy and a Whistleblower Policy. Beehive has also replaced all singular and first person pronouns with “their/theirs” in its employee handbook and brand standards to respect and honour how all employees identify.

  • Today’s investors are increasingly evaluating if the opportunities they are investing in are socially conscious and meet Environmental, Social, Governance (ESG) criteria. Consider how your organization’s efforts show a commitment to social purpose and EDI.
  • Certain Canadian regulations (e.g. Comply or Explain and Bill C-25) require publicly traded companies to disclose diversity on their boards and in senior leadership positions. Consider how your organization is meeting these requirements by making progress towards the 50-30 Challenge.

Small/Medium Organization

Association of Alberta Forest Management Professionals (AAFMP)

AAFMP’s Accommodation of Religious Observances Policy provides their employees with options to observe holidays outside of the provincially legislated holidays in addition to supporting individuals to exercise other religious observances. Three statutory holidays have been identified as flexible for employees to recognize other religious holidays, showing AAFMP’s recognition of all cultural beliefs.

To ensure representation on its Board, AAFMP uses a skills and diversity matrix and Terms of Reference for the Nominating Committee. The skills and diversity matrix ensures Board members have a balanced ratio of experience/expertise as well as community perspective. The Terms of Reference seek to help the Nominating Committee identify and recruit qualified and skilled individuals on a continual basis, and include term limits, meeting policies, and composition policies.

Considerations for Intermediate / Advanced Organizations

  • Provide employees with flexible policies, benefits and expense coverage: Ideally, your organization should provide employees with flexibility to use benefits and funds that support their needs. Your organization can consider the following examples:
    • Reimburse employees for certifications or courses employees choose to take for their professional development
    • Provide employees with paid time off to volunteer for causes they are passionate about
    • Offer additional health coverage where possible (e.g. expense coverage for transitioning employees)

Small/Medium Organization:

NorQuest College, Humber College, Douglas College, and Autism CanTech! Program

The Autism CanTech! Program supports professionals with Autism in getting employed. This program focuses on removing barriers and creating inclusive and accessible work environments. The program runs for six months and prepares participants for roles in data processing in various industries, such as education, financial, and government. Throughout the program, participants are also paired with a career coach to help them prepare for employment.

This program is hosted at three educational institutions across Canada: NorQuest College, Humber College, and Douglas College.



Microaggression is defined as: “A comment or action that subtly and often unconsciously or unintentionally expresses a prejudiced attitude toward a member of a marginalized group” – Source: Merriam Webster



Unlearning is defined as: “To make an effort to forget your usual way of doing something so that you can learn a new and sometimes better way” – Source: Cambridge Dictionary



Intersectionality is defined as: A framework for understanding how different aspects of a person’s social and political identities (e.g., gender, race, class, sexuality, ability, physical appearance, etc.) combine to create unique modes of discrimination and privilege. Intersectionality identifies advantages and disadvantages that are felt by people due to this combination of factors – Source: Kimberlé Crenshaw, TIME



Privilege is defined as: “The unfair and unearned advantages individuals are granted for having, or being perceived to have, social identities that align with those deemed to be superior according to societal rules and norms. It is often experienced as an absence of barriers related to a particular social identity (e.g., White privilege, straight privilege)” – Source: Egale


Safe Space

Safe Space is defined as: “A place intended to be free of bias, conflict, criticism, or potentially threatening actions, ideas, or conversations” – Source: Merriam-Webster

Safe spaces allow individuals to feel comfortable having brave and honest conversations.


Emotional Tax

Emotional Tax is defined as: “The combination of feeling different from peers at work because of gender, race, and/or ethnicity, being on guard against experiences of bias, and experiencing the associated effects on health, well-being, and ability to thrive at work” – Source: Catalyst



Tokenism is defined as: “Performative policies that ostensibly promote diversity or equality (placing women or diverse groups in leadership positions), but do not truly have a positive impact on the workplace. Tokenism isn’t progressive, and it especially causes harm to tokenized individuals, causing extra pressure to succeed due to being perceived as representative of a group and often leaving them in an alienating work environment” – Source: Catalyst


Psychological Safety

Psychological Safety is defined as: “An environment that encourages, recognizes and rewards individuals for their contributions and ideas by making individuals feel safe when taking interpersonal risks. A lack of psychological safety at work can inhibit team learning and lead to in-groups, groupthink and blind spots” – Source: Gartner